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In 1996 one of R&B music's most consistent gentlemen, Donell Jones was signed with  released his debut album, My Heart under the watchful eye of LaFace Records. The album included the hit cover of Stevie Wonder's 1976 ballad "Knocks Me Off My Feet," and  solidified Jones as someone to watch.

It wasn't until 1999, however, that Jones began to officially establish himself as a true R&B hit maker with his second album, Where I Wanna Be. The album yielded number-one hits such as "U Know What's Up," produced by Eddie F and Darren Lighty which featured TLC member Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes and the title track. Other hits included "Shorty Got Her Eyes on Me" and "This Luv." The album went on to sell over one million copies and garnered Jones an American Music Award.

Jones released his third album in 2002, the gold-selling Life Goes On album, featuring one of my favorite songs, "You Know That I Love You."

The endearing number peaked at #16 on the U.S. Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles and Track chart, while coming in at #54 on the Billboard Hot 100. The music video for "You Know That I Love You" was directed by Chris Robinson and first aired on the week of April 15, 2002.

Jones released his latest LP Forever on July 9th, 2013, led by the singles "Forever" and "Beautiful".




Don't be so hard on yourself sexy, shit happens!

We were all born with the aspirations of venturing out into the world in pursuit of the American dream and making it on our own, but what happens when the reality of life confronts us?

Some turn to illegal ways of surviving. Selling narcotics, their bodies, their dignity and their souls all for the almighty dollar, but that's a conversation for another post. Others who may not have a close relationship with their family, look to their friends to assist them in preventing themselves from making the cold concrete their permanent place of residency. And for others, they can always count on good ole mom and dad to pick up the tab.

It isn't easy being above the age of 18 and still living home with your parentals, but for a rising number of Americans--it is a reality, and one that none should be ashamed of:

The fact that the number of 25-34-year-olds who are living with their parents has doubled since 1980 (it now sits at 22%), and that more men in that age group than women have moved back home (22% versus 18%), is often used as evidence that young men are willfully refusing to grow up these days, and have gladly traded their manly independence for a chance to play video games in mom and dad’s basement.

While there are definitely cases of 20 and 30-something men living at home in order to prolong their adolescence, to say all men in this situation are lazy moochers is to paint the picture with far too broad a brush. The reasons for the increase in the number of young men moving back in with their parents are much more nuanced and complex, and include both cultural and structural changes:

Back when your Baby Boomer parents were in college, a semester of school cost just a few hundred dollars, and it was easy to graduate with little to no debt. But since 1980, college tuition has increased between 1 1/2 and 2 times the inflation rate each year. Today students can graduate $25-$100k in debt, double that if they go on to graduate school.


Since the 1970s, real income has declined for young people, and the job market has gotten more competitive. The current recession only made things worse. The first decade of the 21st century constituted one of the toughest job markets for young people in recent history. Today just 54% of adults between the ages of 18-24 are employed. The recession also hit the paychecks of young people more than any other age group.
Fifty or sixty years ago, a man could get a decent paying job with just a high school education. Today’s job market typically requires candidates to not only have a college degree, but often an advanced degree as well. Because schooling is now both more expensive and lengthier, it’s taking young people longer to become financially independent.
On average, your parents and grandparents probably spent only 1/3 of their income on housing. Today 1 in 4 Americans are spending more than half of their income putting a roof over their heads. With housing costs up and paychecks down, getting a place of their own has become much more difficult for those in their 20s.
The rift between Baby Boomers and their GI generation parents is the stuff of pop culture legend. Boomers and GI’s often had completely different tastes in music, dressing, and values. Boomers couldn’t wait to leave home, and their parents were glad to see them go. These days, many of the Millennial generation get along great with their parents and consider them friends. Parents and children listen to the same Jack Johnson songs and sit down to watch Boardwalk Empire together. And because many Boomer parents worked full-time when their kids were growing up, they aren’t sick of their offspring yet and like having more time to spend with them.

So suffice it to say the phenomena of young people moving back home is more complicated than “Young men today are lazy and unmotivated.” And as we mentioned in our series on the history of the bachelor, far from being the recent anomaly the media has made it out to be, living with your parents well into your 20s was the norm for young men for much of history. It was in fact the post-WWII period, with its flush economic prosperity and robust governmental housing and educational subsidies which allowed young men to strike out and settle down early, that was the real aberration. It should also be noted that multi-generational households have long been, and continue to be, the norm in many other countries and cultures; the peculiar American fixation with having your own homestead is in many ways a function of our frontier history.

Now all of this isn’t to say that it’s always a good idea to move back in with your parents and that you should feel comfortable living with them indefinitely. Or that living on your own isn’t a very worthy goal. Rather, it is to point out that stigmatizing a young man’s decision to move back home as always unmanly is misguided. Like many things in life, if you do it for the wrong reasons, and you do it immaturely, it’s unmanly, while if you do it for the right reasons, and in the right way, it can be, if not overtly manly, at least dignified. What are those right reasons and behaviors? Read on.
Friendly Advice on Moving Back in with Your Parents

Have a good reason for moving back in. This is numero uno in importance when figuring out if moving back in with your parents is the right decision for you. You should have a specific, sensible reason as to why you’re returning home (or haven’t yet left). Your reason shouldn’t be vague like “I need time to get my life back together.” How do you know when you’ve gotten your life back together so you can move out? Vague goals lead to vague results. Most American parents don’t mind housing their adult children so long as it’s furthering an important life goal for them. If you’re trying to save money so you can go to school, great! If you’re trying to save money so you can backpack through Europe, not great.

Don’t let standard of living trump autonomy. Another of the reasons sociologists give for young adults returning to the nest in greater numbers is that today’s young people value lifestyle over autonomy. It was the opposite for young adults in previous generations; while young Baby Boomers and Gen Xers were willing to slum it for a few years if it meant living independently from mom and dad, today’s young person seems more willing to sacrifice privacy, freedom, and autonomy if it means they can still buy new clothes, own expensive consumer electronics, and eat out instead of subsisting on ramen noodles.

But I believe becoming a man still means seeking autonomy over creature comforts. So related to the point above, this means your reason for moving back home shouldn’t be to use the money you save on rent to maintain the lifestyle you grew up with. That’s a recipe for thwarting your journey to becoming a man; having to live frugally, budget, and make sacrifices helps you grow up. If you’ve got money for video games and drinking at the bar, you have money to live on your own.

If you can get by with a very modest lifestyle on your own, then do it. Only move home if it allows you trade less autonomy in the short-term for more autonomy in the long term. Live as frugally as you’d have to if you were on your own, and put the money you save on housing costs towards things like education, health insurance, starting a business, and staying out of/mitigating debt. Especially that last one; some say living with your parents isn’t manly, well, going into debt isn’t manly either! Going deeper into debt for pride’s sake isn’t manly, it’s just dumb. I lived with my in-laws for three years in law school – the debt I incurred from tuition was large enough that it seemed foolish to add to it if other accommodations were available — and I’m not ashamed I did it. The arrangement wasn’t ideal, but it set me up for greater autonomy; besides my house, I’m now entirely debt-free.

Treat returning home as a privilege. In most states, as soon as you turn 18, your parents have no legal obligation to take care of you. Any support they give you after you’re 18 is a privilege and gift. Show some gratitude and humility and don’t act like you’re entitled to room and board. You’re not.

Treat your stay as temporary and have an exit plan. Before moving back in with your parents, establish a specific date when you’ll leave; you might even consider signing a contract with your parents to that effect. If you go in with an open-ended timeframe, you’ll never leave. Create a plan on how you’ll get the money and resources to move out by your established date, and share this plan with your parents.

Don’t fall into old habits. It’s easy to revert back to familiar family roles when you return to your childhood home. You’ll want to be taken care of, and mom and dad (especially mom) will want to take care of you. Nip those habits in the bud as soon as you move home. If you want to feel like a grown man while still living with your parents, you need to do as much as you can for yourself. Do your own laundry, buy your own food, clean your own room, and take care of your own problems. Your mom shouldn’t have to leave a post-it note on the counter to remind you of your dentist appointment. If you notice your parents trying to do stuff for you that you’re capable of doing yourself, kindly but firmly say: “I really appreciate your willingness to help me out on this, but I’d rather do it myself. I hope you understand.”

Redefine the relationship with parents from vertical to horizontal. One thing you can do to avoid falling into old habits with your folks is sitting down with them before moving in and having a “define the relationship” talk. For most of your life, your relationship with your parents has been vertical — they stood atop the family hierarchy, guiding, directing, and dictating how you lived your life.

Now that you’re an adult, your relationship to your parents needs to change to a horizontal one. Instead of engaging with your parents as a child, you need engage with them as fellow adults and on terms of mutual respect. Share your expectations and ask them what they expect from the new living arrangement and fight any urge to cry out “That’s not fair!” If what your parents expect is different from what you want, then you’ll have to find another living arrangement.

Once you’re back in with your folks, maintain that horizontal relationship by taking an active role in the household. Don’t expect your parents to take care of you, and do what you can to proactively contribute to your family. Speaking of which…

Contribute to the household. We’ve talked about it before. Men produce and boys consume. If you want to feel like a grown man, even while living with your folks, then actively contribute to your parents’ household instead of passively consuming their resources like a leech. Understand that moving back in with your parents will have a financial impact on them. Discuss with them how you plan on contributing to the household and mitigating some of the financial pressure.

If you can afford it, volunteer to pay at least a nominal rent. Not only will it help your parents offset the extra costs of having another person in the house, it will help instill some financial discipline in yourself. If your parents refuse the rent, you can still pay them a sum every month, so you get in the habit of doing so, and they can save the money to give to you when you move out to help you get on your feet.

Even if you can’t pay rent, there are lots of things you can do to contribute to the household: mow the lawn, clean the house, buy the groceries, cook dinner, run errands, etc. Take the initiative on this stuff. Don’t wait for your parents to ask you to do it. Oh, and you should still do those things even if you’re paying your parents rent, and you shouldn’t expect effusive praise. Think of yourself as a roommate in your parents’ home. Just as you’d share chores and food costs with your apartment roomies, you should share them with your parents.

Don’t take advantage of the situation. Even though your folks are also unofficially your landlords, the fact that you’re their kid, and not just an impersonal tenant, puts them in a tough position; if you don’t follow the agreed upon rules, they’ll be loathe to call the cops to evict you and they can’t ground you anymore. This leaves them with little enforcement power, so they’ll be relying on your sense of integrity when it comes to following through with what you said you’d do. Keeping your word is good practice for mature manliness.

Respect your parents’ views on conjugal visits. If you have a significant other in your life, respect your parents’ views on couples sleeping together before marriage and/or under their roof. You might think your parents’ are old-fashioned and being unreasonable by not allowing your lady friend to share bunk beds with you, but again, it’s their house and they can set any sort of conditions they want. If you don’t like them, you’ll have to get busy somewhere else, perhaps in the backseat of your car; a few of these vehicular groping sessions may be just the thing to motivate you to get your own place.

Keep your parents abreast of your schedule out of courtesy. You’re an adult now, so you’re under no obligation to let your parents know how you spend your time outside their home. But as a courtesy, let them know what your schedule looks like. It will help them plan out their week, and they’ll know where they can find you in case of an emergency. If you’re going to be out late, let them know so they don’t freak out when they hear someone rattling the front doorknob at 3 AM.

Think of yourself as a guest. If you’re not sure of what you should or shouldn’t do now that you’re living with your parents again, simply ask yourself: “What would a guest do?” Always ask permission to use and eat things that aren’t yours, and do what you can to make your presence interfere as little as possible with your parents’ regular routines.

Don’t live in limbo. Living with your parents may make you feel unsettled, leading you to put off getting your life together until it “really starts.” But life is going on right now, bud. Whatever you need to work on personally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, educationally…get to it. Your 20s are a terrible thing to waste.




I am really loving the reemergence of TLC.

Last night saw another great performance from Chilli and T-Boz at the AMA’s featuring Lil’ Mama--who played the role of Left Eye in the VH1 film, and did a very damn good job in both performances.

Chilli, who is known for speaking out on what she believes in, can now add something else to add to her list of things she’s passionate about. PETA, who has previously enlisted artists from every genre to petition against the use of animals, has now partnered with the songstress to help protect tigers from being abused.

The Grammy award winning artist is seen crouched inside a cage sporting nothing but tiger striped body paint. The latest ad campaign titled, “Boycott the Circus”, reveals that the circus abuses tigers and beats them into submission while throwing into cramped and filthy cages when they are not performing.

When asked why she chose to do the campaign, the artist stated:

 ”There’s so much cruelty behind the scenes, which is a something that a lot of people don’t get to see,” Chill says in a PETA interview. “They’re being mean to them to make them do this trick, and I think that everybody needs to be aware of what’s really going on. If you can raise awareness to something that’s important, such as this, then you should. Because I know for a fact that I would never want to be in a cage.”

Still sexy at the age of 40, I'm not mad.



In 2011, Dave AL, Kermar Ryan Lane and Ayo Rell collectively known as Project 718, were ready to make an impact on radio as well as the hearts of women across the world. Filling the void left by boybands of yesteryear, the quarter released the infectious buzz singles "Good At Being Bad" and "As Long As You Know," before releasing their debut mixtape The Delivery

The Brooklyn, New York-natives were signed to Capitol Records, and cited acts such as 112, Boyz II Men, Micheal Jacksoon, and Maroon 5 as being their musical influences. Unfortunately the group has officially disbanded, with all of the members pursuing solo endeavors.

However they left their delivery behind, continue reading to listen to stream their mixtape and download.



Remember when Drake randomly released "Jodeci Freestyle,""The Motion,""Over Here" and his remix of "Versace" at stupid o’clock that late June night (or should I say morning)? Well, thunder could be striking twice, so to speak.

During an interview with VIBE, Drizzy announced plans to release another batch of unreleased songs before the end of the year. Two of these will likely be the hotly anticipated, Hit-Boy-produced "Trophies," which he previewed during a tour stop in Brooklyn earlier this month, and the much-discussed "Wu-Tang Forever" remix featuring select members of the Clan.

“Not an EP, but maybe a blog thing like how I did ‘"Versace,""The Motion," all those in one night,” Drake said. “I’ll probably do ‘Trophies’ and three or four other records. ['Wu-Tang Forever (Remix)'] will probably come out with all that stuff — I hope. It’s on 40. He has all the verses.”

It’s anyone’s guess what the remaining two or three records might be. Producer DJ Dahi--the man responsible for "Worst Behavior"--told VIBE he was cooking up another collaboration with the OVO Star, while Just Blaze previously revealed to Hip-Hop Wired that he was working on three beats for Nothing Was the Same.

Either way, Drake is apparently sitting on a stash-load of unreleased music.

“Drake probably has almost an album’s worth of stuff recorded that he could put out at any time,” says ‘Hold On, We’re Going Home’ producer Nineteen85. “Songs that basically are ready to go. And I’m not talking about throwaway records. I’m talking about finished songs that most artists would beg to have.”

Some of Drake's best records are those that aren't featured on his albums, so it'd be awesome to receive some new music from Drizzy before years end--to ride out to the club, on New Years Eve.



Those tiger claws mean that ass has been growing.
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I love all cake, but something about chocolate cake makes me want beat it hard.



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Sean Xavier and Dominic Pacifico are both passionate lovers -- they love lots of body contact and deep energized kissing, which they do plenty off as they strip their clothing off. Dominic Pacifico can be versatile, but his true skills as a lover shine when he’s on the bottom and takes cock up his ass! Sean and Dominic both take great pleasure in sucking cock, and they fervor that goes into their blowjobs back and forth is admirable, but it’s not compared to just how deep he takes Sean’s cock up his ass. And when we say he takes it deep, we mean he takes it balls deep! 








It’s been almost a year since it was reported that Diesel O’Green filmed a threesome with sexy Brazilian couple Diego Lauzen and Wagner Vittoria. You don’t have to wait anymore, because Kristen Bjorn has just released the first part of their video, in which the guys blow each other! Don’t miss chapter 3 of ”Headhunting!”




Anh Nguyen is a young up and coming record producer/engineer, recording artist, entertainer, and LGBT activist in the music industry. Known primarily by his stage name, Xeraph, he has a unique global appeal due to being born in Vietnam and raised in the suburbs of Raleigh, North Carolina.

Despite being raised in the south, Xeraph is not your stereotypical southern boy due to his strict and conservative parents. However, as he got older and graduated high school in 2009, he became much more independent, and his passion for music could not be quelled. Armed with the support of friends, incredible ambition, and a deep-rooted love for music, Xeraph set out to become a success.

Part of what makes Xeraph so unique is that he has a vast knowledge of graphic design, audio, and video production. He is also an incredible recording artist who has a unique blend of styles such as crunk, hip hop, house, and electronic music. With captivating lyrics and an energetic stage presence, Xeraph is quickly building a following.

In addition to his talent, Xeraph is also well educated, with courses completed at The Art Institute of Atlanta in Georgia and American Intercontinental University. He plans to complete his bachelor’s degree in media production over the next few semesters and launch his journey to fame and success even further.

Xeraph believes that music comes from within and has infinite possibilities. He knows that everyone has a story to tell and a different way of expressing it depending on their background, lifestyle, and culture. For Xeraph, he chooses to express himself in the form of music, releasing his thoughts and feelings and putting them into lyrics, creating beautiful musical poetry. He’s endured many obstacles and life experiences, and he channels the lessons he has learned into his music. For him, music is more than just a hobby. It’s his life, his passion, and his way of surviving.

Although this is just the beginning of his journey, his fan base is growing as he continues to show the world the depth, uniqueness, and eccentricities in his music. His ultimate goal is to establish himself as a successful artist and become the next big thing. In order to achieve this, he continues to build his connections in the music industry and become a positive role model to others. With a little bit of time, incredible spirit, and an unwavering desire to overcome challenges and succeed, Xeraph is well on his way to establishing his independent record label, Haüs of Xeraph, and taking the music industry by storm.



Up and coming singer, songwriter and producer, Tinashe, is here to deliver her latest mixtape Black Water. Serving as a follow-up to last year’s mix tapes, In Case We Die and Reverie, the young beauty is back with her eclectic sound.

Featuring the leading single, “Vulnerable” which is assisted by Travi$ Scott, the mixtape is 13-tracks filled with original sounding productions from the likes of Dev Hynes and Tinashe herself. Also on the mixtape is the Ryan Hemsworth produced track, “1 For Me”.

Planning to release her debut album in 2014 and appear on Ryan Hemsworth’s debut album, Guilt Trip, I'm sure that we can expect to hear Tinashe’s lovely sounding voice for quite some time.

Check out the mixtape below:




While the actual EP won’t hit stores until next Tuesday, December 3, Sevyn Streeter is giving fans the opportunity to hear her debut project in full! Dropping a new teaser for “Sex On The Ceiling” earlier today, the 27-year-old Florida native is wasting no time in letting fans know that she’s the absolute truth when it comes to this music thing.

Previously known for penning tracks for an array of artists, it’s certainly been a great year for Sevyn, as she has one of the most talked about songs this year with “It Won’t Stop.” Giving you a firsthand look into the ups and downs of a relationship, Call Me Crazy, But… is a 7-track EP that features the Chris Brown-assisted remix, as well as “Sex On The Ceiling,” “nEXt” and more.

If you’re like us and you can’t wait to cop it on December 3, this should hold you over until then. Check it out after the jump!

Sevyn Streeter ‘Call Me Crazy, But…’ Tracklisting:

1. Come On Over
2. It Won’t Stop feat. Chris Brown
3. Sex on the Ceiling
4. Call Me Crazy
5. B.A.N.S.
6. Shattered
7. nEXt




A day after their return to the American Music Awards, TLC took over the ballroom on “Dancing With the Stars.” Standing on a glittery platform, T-Boz and Chilli performed their 1999 hit “No Scrubs,” while the finalists danced the samba. Further feuling the rumors of their being a new "L" in the legendary lineup, they were once again joined by Lil Mama, who rocked green hair and stepped in sync with her idols.

TLC is working on a new album for release in 2014 featuring contributions from Lady Gaga and Dallas Austin, and to be quite honest--I wouldn't be mad if they did feature Lil Mama on their forthcoming studio effort. Despite the unnecessary criticism, ridicule and taunts that she has received over the years, the former "Voice of the Young People" is most certainly talented.

Watch their performance below:




Ariana Grande has been making major moves in her career over these past few months, while the original "whistler" continues to tarnish her lustrous career.

Sunday night saw her give an outstanding ode to Motown on the AMAs, the 21-year-old, who took home the award for ‘Best New Artist’, has released her second new Christmas tune, and it is incredibly perfect – if we do say so ourselves.

The song, “Love Is Everything” definitely gives us everything that we need for the festive time of year. Offering up some of her best vocals on the catchy song, the young star is working her way into the hearts of everyone.

Don’t believe us? Stream the track after the jump and purchase it on iTunes today!





You receive compliments on your looks on a daily basis You have a good-progressive career, a home to call your own, a nice car, and most importantly you feel as though your personality matches the worldly possessions that you own. You are the total package. So why are you still single? 

You've begun to feel like you are the nice guy who will finish last in the complex universe of love. No matter how hard you try, love still seems to elude you. You've posted a profile on several dating sites, become a regular on the nightclub scene, and in doing so have been successful at landing dates, but for some reason you are still alone. You've accomplished majority of the short term and long term goals you've set for yourself, you're well cultured, and everyone you know tells you how good of a catch you are, but you are still single. All you want is to find that special someone with whom you can expand upon your empire, build a life together, someone who is as driven as you are, with a beautiful personality to match. A man who will be there for you just as much as you will be for him.

If this sounds like you, don't worry because you are not alone. Millions of people all around the world are experiencing the same feelings as you are, whether they be gay, straight, black, white, overweight, muscular, poor, or rich. To understand that you are not alone, all you have to do is look at Hollywood and all of the celebrity singles out there, constantly going from relationship to relationship, and always ending up alone. 

Searching for someone to build a long-lasting relationship with is no easy task since it requires a lot of time. Time to understand who you are, what your ideal partner looks like, his personality, as well as the stage of life he's in, and if all, some, or none of these factors matter to you. The most important thing to remember at this point, is that you have finally arrived at this question, and begun the journey to finding the root of the issue. 

For some men, this could be that pivotal moment where they discover that they are at the root of their relationship issues. Could it be you? Ocky Williams of Cypher Avenue believes so. In his article Top 15 Reasons You Are Not Relationship Material, he brings to light some obvious yet overlooked reasons for your failure at finding everlasting love:

You’re A Cheater: You don’t have a problem starting a relationship but you do have a problem being faithful in one.  You think the idea of a committed relationship is having a “main dude” but also having a small stable of other stallions at your disposal. If you have the tendency to “make a mistake” or just “slip up” in the form of having sexual encounters with someone other than your partner while in a relationship, guess what?; you are not relationship material.  As a matter of fact, you suck at it. A mistake is entering $200.00 on the ATM keypad when you meant to only enter $20.00. Real men are honest with themselves and their partners. An honest man doesn't just “slip up” and break commitments.  Also by definition an honest man is not a liar. What secure adult man lies anyway? Being monogamous should be easy and thoughtless. If you like variety and sampling the spice of life by all means do so but do it as a single bachelor (you asshole).

You Don’t Meet Your Own Standards: It seems like many single men always have a long list of requirements and high standards of their future partner.  The trouble is that many times they don’t meet the same standards they wish for in others. Wealth, good looks, hot body, not too short, not too tall, not too fem, not too masculine, not to dark, etc.  There is nothing wrong with having standards and qualifications for a potential partner; however if you can’t meet at least 95% of the requirements you have laid-out, you’re delusional and you’re not ready for a relationship.  The majority of men don’t have six packs and chances are if you don’t have one he won’t either. You are being crippled by looking and waiting for a fantasy.  Start looking for a real man who will treat you like a King.

You’re Emotional Damaged: No, we are not talking about diagnosed mental illness; we’re talking about the stressful, self-limiting and self-loathing baggage that you are carrying around from all of your past negative life experiences.  Whether it’s from family experiences, high school or past relationships that ended badly; you’re emotional damaged and you’re bringing all the weight of mistrust and insecurities into your relationships.  You want trust but are reluctant to trust others.  Your emotional baggage becomes a wedge and splinters the few relationships that you are able to form.  If you want a relationship, you have to be willing to allow yourself to be vulnerable and one aspect of vulnerability is to forgive. A trait of forgiveness means understanding you can’t change the past but you can accept it, learn from it, and grow. Often we not only need to forgive others but also forgive ourselves, which many times can be difficult.  Seeking professional help is a sure fire way to talk through your emotional baggage and come out a new man.

You Have No Idea What A Meaningful Relationship Is: Sad but serious.  Ethic men rarely see examples of themselves in loving, long lasting relationships. Regardless if it’s Asian, Black, Latin or Indian men, it’s hard finding examples of our love in Hollywood productions, TV series, web series,  and in everyday life.  We all know they exist but it seems like they are as elusive as a Snow Leopard.  What we do see in abundance within the media is gay dysfunction and conflict.  Commitment, love, security, morals and ethics are just too boring; however we are made to believe that everyone cheats and drama is so much sexier.  “How will I know if he really loves me if he isn't jealous and abusive?  That’s how we show our love”.  “I can’t be with a man, who doesn't argue and scream, that’s boring”.  Sadly many men and women think relationships can’t exist without dysfunction. This mindset has been shaped by generations of misinformation and sub-par examples.  A companion should not bring dysfunction into your life but enrich the love and joy you already have for yourself.

You’re A Gaylebrity: As my best friend says “You’re a house hold name”.  Meaning, you are known coast to coast within the gay community.  Everyone knows who you are.  You are the premier Gay Socialite. You go to all the clubs and know all the players.  You live, breathe and are entrenched in the gay lifestyle. The problem is when the fans have disbursed and the club closes, you go home lonely.  There’s nothing wrong with socializing but here again, for many gay men this can be uncomfortable when attempting to date or start a relationship. The reason is because some men may feel you are to easily assessable and distracted by other men.  The appearance you may give off is that you are more into clubbing and socializing versus being serious and settling down. Try scaling back your party rocking.  Believe me; the clubs will always be there.

You Are Addicted To Mobile Apps & Social Gay Media: Jack’d, Grindr, Scruff, BGC, Adam 4 Adam, Men 4 Now…you know them and have multiple profiles on them all.  The problem is that even after you start dating, these sites and apps have become such a routine or habit within your life that you can’t stop logging on.  I have heard some men say that they actually have “friends” on these sites that they have only communicated with online.  I’m not saying that this isn’t possible but what’s wrong with communicating with them through non-gay-sexual-hookup means?  Why haven’t you all exchanged email addresses and communicate that way? This is another sure fire way to send a signal to a potential partner that you are not relationship material. In a way, you’re saying he is not interesting enough or that you don’t value him enough get off the apps or websites.  A real man in person is better than an internet man any day. Close your accounts and log off.

You Hit The Sheets Too Quickly: This is simple.  If 99% of all your dates end with your penis sneezing (i.e., an orgasm) you’re a male whore.  You are advertising to the world that you are not relationship material but hookup, jump-off material…and believe me, men talk. This easily sends a message to the man that you’re having sex with that if it’s this easy for him than its just as easy for any man. Therefore, you are not relationship material.  Yes I know we men get horny and if dates are few and far between, we may get a little excited.  However if you want a relationship then you want to be viewed as relationship material.  A cool trick I use to do is to masturbate before I went on a date.  That way my sex drive had been somewhat depleted and I could focus on the man and not trying to get into his pants. Try it.

You’re In The Closet: Regardless of your reasons and even if you feel they are valid reasons; you’re still in the closet.  How can you expect to have a full, functioning, happy relationship when you can’t even grab a bite to eat with your potential partner because you’re worried about frat brothers, co-workers or family seeing you “out” together?  If your happiness is dependent on people who are not in your bedroom then chances are you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of loneliness and sadness.  Many times you may purposely or unconsciously sabotage your relationships because it may be getting too serious. Your insecurities are limiting the quality of your life. Attempt to live your life by going out of the way to make sure your joy and happiness is priority number one!

You Have Little Self-Worth: In other words, you’re a doormat.  You let men walk all over you. It doesn’t matter if he cheats or if he is abusive and treats you will little respect; you’ll still be there by his side because you made a commitment to him.  The problem is that he is not committed to you.  Sorry…the real problem is that you are not committed to yourself.   You shouldn’t allow your desperation for companionship to emasculate you.  Chances are even if you break up with this dude, the next man will be the same because this is what you attract…you are prey. A real man will not want a whimp, a push over or a doormat.  To attract a man that will care for you and love you, first you have to care about and love yourself. Get up off the floor and stand up.

You Don’t Have Patience: In other words, you are too desperate.  You want an instant relationship…just add water and stir.  You don’t take the time to actually date, to court, to bond with the man you are interested in.  You want the happy home and the image of the nice happy gay married couple RIGHT NOW, THIS INSTANT.  You’re not willing to or don’t feel like putting in the required work because you just want the idea of a relationship to fill a void.  These types of needy and sometimes possessive men can be very annoying especially after they say “I Love You” after the third date.  Dude chill-out and take your time.  Rushing into relationships has probably been your problem in the past but you’ve just been too damn hungry to notice. Taking your time and getting to learn another man can also teach you some things about yourself but if you get too eager, class can quickly be dismissed.




Now all I need is a little shake.
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